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Infidelity caught recovery social media hacks and more

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
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Project detail

Communicate exactly what you want a hacker to do

(linktree/masterhacker259) Put on Google

Decide what systems you want the hacker to attack. Here are some examples of different types of ethical hacking you could propose:

  • A website attack, such as a SQL Injection attack
  • A distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack, which is when a hacker uses a “zombie network” to overwhelm a website or server with traffic until it crashes
  • A social media hack of your company’s accounts
  • A cell phone hack to see if your company’s cell phones are vulnerable — a big problem if your employees store sensitive data on their company phones
  • A corporate email hack to see if your employees can recognize phishing or other cyber attacks

Get a report of what they did

Request a report after the hacking exercise is completed that includes the methods the hacker used on your systems, the vulnerabilities they discovered and their suggested steps to fix those vulnerabilities. After you’ve deployed fixes, have the hacker try the attacks again to ensure your fixes worked.

Prepare for your results

Make sure everyone from your company who is involved in this process is ready to act quickly on the results. If there’s a committee that needs to read the report and make decisions, consider scheduling a meeting as soon as possible after receiving the report. Have everyone read the report and decide on next steps during the meeting. This will prevent the process from dragging out while your company remains dangerously exposed due to security weaknesses.

Freelancer type required for this project